Capirucho toy

While building this game is a fairly simple challenge for woodworkers, playing it is another story

By Steve Maxwell


Photo by Roger Yip

This toy is both harder than it looks and easier than it looks. These are the two qualities inherent in the classic Latin American children’s toy called a capirucho. There are many versions out there, but all offer the same challenge: flip a string-tethered cup upward so it turns in mid-air and lands on the end of a stick. Good capirucheros make this trick look simple, although I can assure you that it is not. I find that it takes more skill to play with a capirucho than it does to make one, even if you’re not experienced with a lathe. The design I came up with turns a little bit of wood into a lot of fun. The precise shape isn’t important either. Whatever looks good is good.



Part Material Size (T x W x L*) Qty.

Cap blank hardwood 2 1/4" x 2 1/4" x 4" 1
Body blank hardwood 2 1/4" x 2 1/4" x 7 1/2" 1

* Length indicates grain direction

Recommended Tools


Turning gouges and chisels




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